Be Brilliant

He’s back

A year ago, on the ides of March, I was knee deep in deciding if my accumulated possession need be stored, purged, sold or given away.  I had given up my apartment for 31 March 2017. Effectively, I’ve been living out of a very groovy and versatile backpack since.  [@tortugabackpacks if you’re looking for a good quality, versatile bag, from a responsible company with a good product at a good price, check out their website!  They have other packs beside the those for long term travel]

I officially started my ‘RTW’ in mid-May, after six weeks visiting friends and favorite places around Europe.  At the time, I debated whether or not to write a blog. I resisted, and compromised with a Facebook photo page and a cool app, TrackMyTour, which allowed me to map and share my travels in real time with interested friends.

Since returning, I’ve realized, as often happens, some memories are starting to fade. Having experienced so much in a compressed period of time, I suppose this is normal.  But I also think that maybe it is time to start writing it all down.

So…Rather than an ‘on the road travelogue’, a kind of objective guide viewed in hindsight.  Perhaps truer to my RTW experience through the sorting process since, as the time passes, the moments and memories that persist are surprisingly more poignant seen through the focus of time.

Initially, then, this space chronicles this adventure, undoubtedly morphing later through other themes and fascinations. The first installation in April!  Welcome and enjoy!


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