Est. 1908


In my performing career, I was afforded many experiences working across cultural and stylistic divides. Nevertheless, I often felt ill-equipped to handle the challenges that accompanied a fast-paced international career. I did a lot of ‘learning by doing.’ And while I believe that a large part of an artist’s maturation must come ‘on-the-job.’ I also know it is imperative to provide performers with skills and a solid foundation to support and guide them through the challenges and opportunities that come their way.

Curriculum Concepts

Time is money.  In my education work, the emphasis has been on creating methods to achieve this ‘readiness’ as efficiently and consistently as possible. My pedagogical and performance experiences have given me a unique perspective in building curriculums that provide students this stable foundation, in order to build long and versatile careers.

Each institution comes with its own needs and goals, be they artistic or financial, and each curriculum is specially created with respect to these variables. One such curriculum was successfully implemented by the Joop van den Ende Academy. Current development projects can be found [here].

Private Teaching

Singers need an understanding of their instrument and a solid technical base which allows them to ‘self-solve’ over the course of a long professional career.  My teaching is pragmatic in this respect, I do not teach a “method.” Instead, I strive to offer each student the information necessary so that they can consistently help themselves.

I am currently offering only limited regular private singing lessons: however, I am availalbe for short term coaching sessions, workshops and/or masterclasses.  For my upcoming teaching schedule, click here.